Friday, March 22, 2013

Easter egg Winners!!!

It is nearly holidays and the Easter eggs competition has finished.

The egg Winners have been said in the assembly. We loved decorating our eggs.

Thank you for making a egg and they were fantastic.


Ainara, Martina, Alejandro (Y3)

Carlota P (Y1) Pine
Lucia C (Y6) Pine
Victor B (Y5) Cypress

Thiago P (Y1) Almond
Martina P (Y2) Linden

Carlos G (Y4) Linden
Victoria B (Y5) Almond


Rita C (Y3) Cypress
This term our music project was about creating music that linked with our own invented film. We had to follow some steps to create it:

1. First we had to split ourselves into groups of 4 and create 6 scenes of the film we invented and draw them on a paper.

2.The second step was to think of the music that could go well with each scene. (If we couldn't do a sound with instruments we got the laptops to do it.)

3. Then if we wanted we could meet with our group and film our project.

4. Once we had the project filmed we brought to school in a pen drive and joined the music.

Year 6 & Year 7 enjoyed a lot doing this music project. We LOVED it!!!


Inés Salvador & Lucía Vives (y6y)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Sabeu què? Avui comença la primavera

Per aquest motiu, des del taller de català hem decicidit escriure unes poesies fantàstiques!!

Bon inici de primavera!!!!


Et diré un secret molt fi
La primavera és aquí!
Ha cantat una cançó
I ha florit al teu balcó
Dolç hivern, ves a dormir
La primavera està aquí
Ves al teu palau del  glaç
Que ja som al mes de març.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Anem a comprar!

Avui 19 de març hem anat al caprabo, ens han fet una xerrada sobre una alimentació saludable i després ens hem agrupat per grups. Hem entrat al Caprabo i cada grup ha fet un menú i una compra saludable. Després ens han donat el tiquet del que hem comprat i hem revisat amb la monitora que tot fos saludable. A l'hora de marxar a l'escola ens han regalat una bossa amb un esmorzar saludable, fruita, pa, aigua i formatge.

Paty i Ciro (Y5R)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Bon dia!!!

Uffff... primer dia de la setmana. Tal i com us vàrem dir la setmana passada, aquí teniu unes endevinalles, fetes per nosaltres, des del taller de català.

  • M'agrada la calor, sóc taronja i visc al cel. També veig a tothom i sóc molt gran.

(Alejandro C)

  • Suporto la neu. Em posen en el fred i no deixo entrar el peu fàcilment.

(Alejandro C)

  • Sempre està al teu costat. És amic del sol però no pot parlar.(Miriam F)

  • És un conjunt de tecles que si les toques fan soroll. Què són?

  • Una cosa que et poses a la nit i et treus al matí. Què és?


  • Qui és? És argentí, té 76 anys i viurà a Roma.

  • Unes són rodones, altres ovalades. Unes diuen molt i les altres ens diuen poc. Què són?
(Carol M)

  • Amb mi van néixer, amb elles em moc. Si una em trenco, coixa em quedo.
(Carol M)

Friday, March 15, 2013


In the olden days, Shakespeare wrote lots of fabulous plays. This year, Year Six are doing Romeo and Juliet. As you may know, in the past women did not act so men had to do the roles of a women. That's why there were very little girl characters in Romeo and Juliet. Another thing was the vocabulary. With all the thou, thy,thee and so on. So much that we couldn't pronouce it all.

The problem was solved by our drama teacher, Sinead, who has written the play again but with our vocabulary ( with some thou, thee, etc) She also added extra characters for girls to act and made the play shorter as the original was 3 hours long. So A BIG THANKS to SINEAD!!!!!

Year 6 Red will do the 1st part, Year 6 Blue are doing the 2nd and finally Year 6 yellow are doing the 3rd part.

The other two more little problems were that some people wanted more lines to say and as the play was alrady written, Sinead will have to modify the script  and add more part to the play. The other thing was that Romeo and Juliet have to kiss somewhere. They thought about it and realised that it could be in their hand even though it is not definitive.

In Year 6 Red there were a couple of problems, for example, people didn't like their characters as much as others.  In other classes it was not as bad. But in the end all problems got solved.

So even though there have been problems it has been a great time as all students say so.

" We have had a great time reading the script and are ready to act." said a student in Year 6 Blue
"Sinead has done the best of it and it sure will be a grand performance."

Written by Aliya, Teresa and Lucas

World Maths Day Fundraising!

Hello our names are Martin.and Matias.

Welcome to Oak House British School. We did lots of Maths to get money for the poor children.

3140 children helped. We have collected 7000 euros altogether.Year 2 in Oak House School are collecting lots of money. We have been helping to count the money. Year 2 have 8 school in a box. We are winning!

We need more money to help the pour children.This is important to pour familys.They need lots of money.To by food and clean the water and to help the children learn at school.

by Martin and Matias (Y2Y)

Year 4 preparing for the Spring Concert

In Year 4 we are preparing for our Spring Play. Everyone is learning their words and song words. The play is called Scheherazarde. We are practiseing a lot and finally when its perfect we´ll put it all together and start doing dres rehersalls next week. We are also helping the teachers to paint the back drop. Everyone has a square to paint. The play is set in Arabia, in a palace.

by Maria W( Y4Red)

The Gardening Group

Hello, we are the plant group.

We are some Y5 girls that water the plants of the French garden every day.Two weeks ago the teacher chose some children from each class to go on a trip to learn how to plant and the plant group also went.We learnt alot about plants and we tried lots of different lettuces (it was very hot in the green house).Then we planted some spinich(we took them to school) .Then we went back to school. Some people that went to the trip liked gardening so they want to join us in the plant group.

Blanca and Sarina (Y5Y)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hola nois i noies!!!! Som: la Caterina, la Carol, l'Alejandro i la Miriam. Des del taller de català us estem preparant unes endevinalles, per la setmana vinent. A veure si sereu capaços d'endevinar... Fins aviat!!!!

Hola, aquí us presentem algunes curiositats sobre cadascú de nosaltres. A veure que us semblen. Esperem que us agradin!!!!

Hola!! Jo sóc la Caterina i vaig a quart de primària. Sóc nova a l'escola. Vinc de Nova York. En aquesta escola tot és diferent a l'altra. Aquesta escola  m'agrada més perquè el menjar és més bo, el pati és molt gran, les professores...

Mireu l'escola que ara estic que bonica és:


Hola!! Jo sóc la Carol i us parlaré sobre l'hoquei. Primer us he de dir que a mi m'encanta jugar a hoquei. Jugo en el meu club que es diu Junior. L'hoquei pot ser un esport que et pot cansar, perquè cal correr molt. Ara us explicaré una miqueta el que necessiteu per l'equip de hoquei. Heu de portar:
  • un vocal
  • un stick
  • unes canyelleres
  • i la roba de l'equip
Bé i amb tot això ja estem preparats per anar a jugar.


Hola!! Jo sóc la Miriam  i m'agrada molt la hípica. Us donaré una mica d'informació dels cavalls. Els cavalls estan domats per fer hípica. Viuen uns 30 anys, en canvi un que està al camp viu uns 30 anys. Per fer hípica cal posar-li una cadira de muntar...


Hola!! Sóc l'Alejandro i m'agrada molt el trial. Us vull explicar algunes cosetes. Aquest any en Toni Bou, un competidor de trial. Ell ha guanyat el 13è campionat del món. En Toni ca començar amb 18 anys i actualment en té vint-i- pocs.


Friday, March 8, 2013

World Maths Day

This Wednesday at Oak House we were doing maths to celebrate World Maths Day. We did it from early years to year seven. The day this spectacular event was happening we all raised money for poor children who needed it, we all wore a t-shirt with a number on it. Some people put the number on a normal t-shirt but lots of people wore a sports one. I did 197 questions correct out of 200 and raised 200 euros. I bought more than a school in a box by myself.
By Angel (Y5B)

Year 3 trip to CosmoCaixa

This week year 3 did a trip at Cosmo caxia.Year 3 saw lots of animals and they  drew  them. After lunch Year 3 sang Sube la mano y grita gol!After singing Sube la mano y grita gol they went to Flash and played a lot. After Flash they went to a park and played lot´s of games. After playing in the park they were covered in sand.Year 3 had a very good time.

Gabriel and Cecilia (Y3B)

Friday, March 1, 2013

¡World Math`s Day coming soon!

On Wednesday 6th March it is World Math`s Day.
We are going to answer lots of maths questions in 30 minutes. Our families and friends will give us money for our answers.
Every 180 € will buy 1 school-in-box of things  to help over 80 children.

!!!HELP US TO COLLECT LOT´S OF MONEY!!!                                          

All the money will be colected and we will give it to the poor children by giving it to UNICEF.  
                                             By Pepe and Mateu. (Y3)