Friday, November 30, 2012

Our new nurse

We have a new nurse at our  school! Her name is Ana. Today we went to see her to find out what she thinks of Oak House.

Do you like the school?
Yes a lot.

Do you like your new room?
Yes becase its  a lot closer to the classes.

What made you think of being a nurse at Oak House?
I like to help children.

Are the children polite and well behaved?
Yes. All  the  children  treat me very   nicely.

Do you speak English?
Yes, a litle bit

Why do we need a green sticker to come and see you?
So we are more organised and I can be sure that you have permission from your teacher.

When should we come to see you?
When you have things that hurt a lot like bumps and wounds. Try to come at break so you don't miss lessons.

How many children visit you each day?
About 20.

Ainara, Blanca, Gabriel, Alejandra (Y3)

This week has been Mathletics Week at school. If you want to compete you need to go to

At the moment Almond are winning with 135,345 points. So come on! Try to beat them! There will be prizes for the winning house.

The competition finishes on Sunday.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

We are getting Christmasy already at Oak House. This week we designed our Christmas cards and we started to practise our Christmas play a lot .  Don't forget to practice your lines everyone!


This Sunday mathletics week starts. Lots of children will  compete to win more house points for their house. If you want to compete you have to go to
Come on try it!


Today is the last day of anti-bullying week we listened to songs, stories and videos and talked a lot with our tutors about bullying. Y3B did a super assembly about Billy the Bully. WE DON'T LIKE BULLIES!


Thursday, November 22, 2012


Welcome to the Oak House British School Blog.

This blog will be added to by the pupils of the primary school on a regular basis, with all their news.

We hope you enjoy it!